
Friday, March 27, 2009

Holy Week Timeline check list

Hard to believe Pascha is so quickly approaching! Last year I created a check list to help me remember all the little things needed for Holy Week, all the things that seem to slip by if you don't plan ahead. It is a great way to remove some of the frantic feeling I get as the weekend approaches, knowing I don't have to squeeze a run to the grocery store in before an early service because I forgot something. It also helps to remember how long each service is - especially when you are planning with little ones. There are years when I have taken a playpen to church and put the baby in a Sunday school room if a service is going to be a late or long one (the crocodile hunter slept through his first pascha that way :)

Before Holy Week
plastic eggs for hunt (8 dozen), candy
Pascha gifts– for kids, godchildren, godparents
pascha basket – wine, butter, horseradish, eggs, pepperoni, chicken to fry, butter, olive oil
cheesecloth for pascha cheese
sweet wine for Saturday morning liturgy
ice cream sandwiches to take to Agape Vespers picnic

sign up for vigil reading slot and Agape Vespers picnic

Palm Sunday - take candles
6:00pm Bridegroom Matins (1hr 15 min)

7:00pm Bridegroom Matins (1hr 15 min)

decorate eggs with kids
7:00pm - Bridegroom Matins

Decorate eggs with kids
7:00pm - Holy Unction (2hr)

flowers for bier
flowers for pascha basket and table for feast
roses for lamentations service

Make pascha cheese (hopefully with better success than last year :)
Mold butter
Make fudge sauce for crepes
Make roasted pepper mayonnaise
Make meat marinade

7:00pm 12 Passion Gospels service (3hr) – nailing on the cross (occurs about 1 hr 20 min into service - sometimes I will take the kids for the first half, then leave so they get a good night sleep before Friday)

fresh bread for Saturday morning service (ciabatta and sweet bread)

10:00am Royal Hours - 2 hours - (take flowers)
children decorate bier during this service

3:00pm Great Vespers and taking down from cross (1 hr)
7:00pm Lamentations (3 hours) – girls bring rose petals in basket

Vigil Reading (the crocodile hunter and I try to read once during the all night vigil)

8:30am Divine Liturgy – bring bread and wine, oil and dipping spices
Set up family table for feast
help with flower decorating for church
Naps! (if possible :)
Fry chicken
Grill steaks
Make crepes
Toast ciabatta

11:00pm Pascha Service - take pascha basket and food

4:00pm Agape Vespers - bring ice cream sandwiches, drinks, Easter baskets and eggs for egg hunt, gospel reading translation (this year the crocodile hunter will read the gospel in Latin - he is very excited!)