
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Glory to God for All Things

I was born a weak and defenseless child,
but your angel spread his wings over my cradle to defend me. 
From birth until now your love has illumined my path, and has wondrously guided me towards the light of eternity; from birth until now the generous gifts of your providence have been marvellously showered upon me.  I give you thanks, with all who have come to know you, who call upon your name.
Glory to you for calling me into being.
Glory to you, showing me the beauty of the universe.
Glory to you, spreading out before me heaven and earth,
Like the pages in a book of eternal wisdom.
Glory to you for your eternity in this fleeting world.
Glory to you for your mercies, seen and unseen.
Glory to you through every sigh of my sorrow.
Glory to you for every step of my life's journey,
For every moment of glory.
Glory to you, O God, from age to age.
Happy Thanksgiving, and may we all be so thankful each and every day of our lives.