
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Little Babushka

I did a lot of sewing in the past few weeks.
This little number was for my god-daughter for Christmas.

The Queen was gracious enough to try it on for me and give it a whirl.

Don't you just love that fabric!  Wish I could find more :(

Warm and cozy red top for winter,

breezy white tee will carry her into the spring.

I think the Queen likes it.  I might have to make her one too.


  1. Those are all adorable! You did such a great job.

  2. I did a lot of sewing the last few weeks too! I love the outfit. Have you looked on Etsy... I've seen that fabric there. I have some matroshka fabric and thought about doing a similar outfit for my daughter for Christmas but made a doll instead. I think I'll do the other for her birthday.
    I always like seeing your projects!

  3. These are so cute and lovely! what a joy they must of been to make and see them in use! beautiful!

  4. And your god daughter loves it! She brought all her matryoshka dolls with her to Florida, and every night she stacks them, making sure Nina is safe and sound.

  5. Rebeca - thanks I have checked on etsy a few times, and ebay as well. have found some similar fabrics - but nothing the same, will have to keep looking. I do still have a few yards of it, enough to do something for one of my girls.

    Ashley - glad she likes it, looking forward to seeing her in it (and seeing you all back! hope the trip has been great in spite of the cold :)
