Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back in Formation

We are back with Donna this weekend enjoying another session of CGS Level 3 Formation.  

While there are many areas that will need a lot of adaptation, it is nice to find those moments when the word of God speaks and we all hear the message as one.  Those moments often come in the exploration of the parables, and the Level 3 parables have been a beautiful experience.

We pondered the beauty and importance of forgiveness in the parable of the debtors, the incredible grace of God who offers the light to all and the responsibility we have in responding to that grace through the parables of the 10 Bridesmaids and the Wedding Feast,

and the glorious Paschal words of St. John Chrysostom came echoing in our hearts and minds as we read together the parable of the workers in the vineyard.  One last day and we will be headed home, but it is such a joyful time to spend immersed in learning and looking forward to bringing these presentations back home to our older children in the church.

1 comment:

the striped rose said...

I love hearing about and seeing pictures from CoGS! I am praying for an opportunity to begin instruction. Happy you are working on your level 3!