I have spent much of my life in what many would call "the field of education." I was home schooled (third grade to graduation), and so self educated myself in a number of subjects through high school. I went to two liberal arts colleges and came out with a language degree as well as certification to teach. Throughout college, I tutored elementary students and graduate students. I taught night classes at a university for extra income. After college, I spent three years teaching in a Catholic school. I came home to raise children, and am now teaching them. Every part of my life has been touched by "education." And yet, I constantly ask myself, "am I educating my children?" Seems this time of year I always battle with the self doubt. One reason attending the St. Emmelia conference is such a great boost of encouragement, and I am feeling the effect of having to be absent this year. "Educating my children." What does that even mean? What do we mean when we say we want our children to receive "a good education." Ironic really. I have a piece of paper with a state seal on it that says I am qualified to educate other people's children. And I am still asking the question "what is a good education?". If you ask most, the answer usually is to equip them with the skills needed to get a job. Utility. Practicality. We can thank (or perhaps condemn) John Dewey for revolutionizing our understanding of education in America. For Dewey, education equaled utility. The goal: preparing citizens to be put to use in society. Pragmatism. Or, as Dewey preferred it, instrumentalism. That which is most useful, most instrumental for society. A skill. A way to be valuable to the whole. Which could lead us into a whole other topic concerning the value and worth of a person in this type of society, the type of society we have rapidly become, but I digress.
My other specialty: language (BA in Spanish, with a minor in English). As a lover of language and words (thank you Professor Leslie for introducing me to the OED, I am ever grateful for your infectious love of words and their true meaning), I understand the value of tracing a word to its origins. Education. From the Latin, educo. In Spanish, my particular field, "educado". In Greek, "paidea". What does it mean? Knowledge? Facts? Information? Skills? Well, yes, they are a part. However, we have lost the true meaning. "The process of nourishing or rearing a child or young person." The bringing up of a child. In Spanish, a child who is "mal educado" is one who has been poorly raised, not one who has been poorly schooled. It is about the formation of character. The raising and nurturing of a child. Forming, uplifting and recognizing the nature of the human being, reaching the soul. Are my children receiving that kind of education? Or have I allowed the focus to become utility, practicality, how is this child going to fit in, to become useful to society in the future? Even worse, how is this child going to be successful (that is, wealthy, famous, recognized, appreciated) in this culture? It is easy to forget that schooling and education are not equal.