Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week Birthday Boy

When your birthday falls in Holy Week, odds are you are going to spend a good part of it in church.  This new 12 year old got up at 6:30 to serve for the presanctified with his "middle name sake", who also shares his birthday!  Many years to both!

Follow that with birthday shopping with Dad for a new bike (his knees were hitting his chin on the old one :) 

 The afternoon was spent turkey hunting, and boy did he bring home a big one!  Not sure I want turkey for Pascha though, this one might have to hit the freezer.  The birthday dinner will wait for next week, tonight's menu is bean soup!


Matushka Anna said...

Well, my goodness. My oldest turned 12 today too. (c; Many years!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Justin!! The moment with my grandfather and Fr. Stephen this morning was precious and wonderful. So happy you have pictures!!

flowersforTeacher said...

What a wonderful birthday... many years!

Erin said...

Wow! In the words of my husband, "Goodness! Who does he look like?!!!" You know it's true, each year he become more and more the spitting image of his great dad.

DebD said...

happy birthday to your 12 yr old. What a fabulous looking turkey.

Anna said...

Mat Anna - happy birthday to your 12 year old!

Erin -yeah, I know, thank goodness I married his Daddy for his looks :)